Innenstadtdialog Businessmetropole Ruhr | Arbeit & Wirtschaft

Innenstadtdialog Teil 1: ARBEIT. WIRTSCHAFT. INNENSTADT.  – so stand es auf dem Programm. Die Innenstädte der Metropole Ruhr und ihre Gegenwart und Zukunft standen im Fokus von Impulsen und Gesprächen, Workshops und Szenarienentwicklung, als wir am 19.10.2022 in Gelsenkirchen zusammenfanden. Wie gestaltet man jeder für sich udn alle gemeinsam? Welcher Instrumente, welcher Infrastruktur bedarf es? […]

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What a Difference a Place makes…

Four Places that make a difference. Because they matter. Because they provide community. Because they are hosted. Because you can get immersed. Third places. Places that matter. A Cemetery in Vancouver “There’s so much emphasis on death and dying at cemeteries,” says Crean. “We’re trying to shift the mindset to this being the kind of […]

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The Place for Doing Business (differently): Meet | Perform | Work | Retreat

Ein modernes, multifunktionales Business- und Tagungsforum?  New Ways of Doing Business mit hoher Aufenthaltsqualität und neuester Technik? Mit Genuss- und Begegnungsräumen und temporär und maximal flexibel mietbaren Flächen? “Meet”, “Perform”, “Work” und “Retreat” sind die drei Kategorien, die für das Reforum in Binzen beim Placemaking konzeptionell den Ton angeben. Aber was verbirgt sich hinter der […]

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Places To Be – The Yummy Art Of Place Making Embracing Your Community

A Place is a Place is a Place? When realities become more and more virtual, to be artificial is no more an offense even for grocery or intelligence and shopping becomes something to be outsourced or done while on the go, places become rare and relevant again.and placemaking becomes a key competence for urban stakeholders […]

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Berlin – place to be? Call to action!

Last month I delivered a keynote at the 3rd International Restaurant Real Estate Congress in  a room full of key players in the real estate and foodservice industry on Berlin as a place for brands and companies to learn, to connect and to find your tribe and how to play an active role with your place […]

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