Moderation & Safe Spaces for Stakeholder Engagement, Co-Creation & Co-Operation
This year was again a stormy one. I was very happy to find myself encouraging responsibility by creating some safe spaces for for Stakeholder Engagement, Co-Creation & Co-Operation. Strategic Consulting and Moderation were asked for a lot this year and I feel privileged to work with people, I can learn a lot with while developing projects, sharpening strategies or discussing different perspectives in order to come up with a third way or a solution that fits more than just one and building sustainable allies along the way.
Designing the Metaverse
To share some insights into our projects 2024 I would like to share some pictures with you and telling the stories behind them. Starting in November 2024, one of the traditions is Immersive X, the conference for all things meta(verse) and new technologies. As a co-host of this fully remote conference, we were welcoming more than 400 participants from all over the world on 9 different platforms. This year I had the honour to facilitate several panels. On the pictures above and below you can spot me in my orange sweater and shoes for example on a world tour a.k.a. trippy trip with metaverse designers ShuShu and Niko Lange, stepping into breathtaking world designs starting under the cherry blossom tree in Agog house.
You destroy. We create!
With Andrea Luck, Head of Marketing ant Rowohlt Verlag, one of the biggest publishing houses in Germany, Tim B Frank and Marcus Meier, we were diskussing How to thrill book readers with XR-technologies. I had the great pleasure showing how the impact of VR technologies can be used and amplified in journalism, even or especially when there are no words to describe: Felix Gaedt and Gayatri Parameswaran told us about their project: You Destroy. We create!
And, one of not only my highlights, and on another note I was discussing inclusion in this oh so uninclusive environment with the two inclusion activists Melanie Eilert And Casey Kreer.
His Mayesty Frederik X & the Call to Action for cross-border cooperation when it comes to the Green Transition
When it comes to shapen the world we live in, we have to focus on energy. So it was with great pleasure to host a conference on energy and cross-border infrastructure for the Green transition on the German Danish border at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for the Ocean Research in Kiel/ Schleswig Holstein for the Confederation of the Danish Industry.
After the official opening ceremony with His Majesty King Frederik X, Her Majesty Queen Mary, ministers and excelenncies both from Denmark and Germany, represenstatives of industry, scnence and press, we took the chance to enable the exchange of knowledge, experiences and expectations, as well as discussing opportunities to learn from each other and support each other on future steps that are to be taken: How can we work together to ensure environmentally and safety-friendly storage of CO2? Which experiences from Denmark might be relevant for Germany’s enabling of CO2 storage and vice versa? Whose perspectives and what risks are to be taken into account and what kind of conversations are helpful?
Deep Talks: Empowering People living with chronic diseases to make use of the Expertise in Research & Development
People living with chronic diseases are still not in the lead when it comes to research and development of new treatments or approaches in healthcare. Although the willingness of patient organizations to be involved in basic and healthcare research is very high, there is still a great deal of potential in this area. Particularly in the current digital transformation processes in the healthcare system, patients and their representatives want and need to be actively involved much more and from the outset.
So when I was asked to moderate a talk about clinical research, I was happy to open the stage for a panel with both patients and patient advocates and Sarah Lehnerts from Novo Nordisk, discussing the status quo and the need and the opportunities for them to collaborate on another level to come up with solutions that don not only look nice on paper, but fit the needs of the ones actually living with the diseases. Here you can see us on stage at the Adipositastag, organised by AcSD e.V. in Frankfurt, Germany.