Schlagwort: connection
Herzlich willkommen, liebe Zukunft?
Die Digitalisierung als umfassender Transformationsprozess wirkt sich auf vielfältigen Ebenen in der Gesellschaft aus. Sie greift in alle Lebensbereiche ein, verbindet und gestaltet sie. Die zunehmende Verschränkung von virtueller und analoger Welt wirft vielfältige Fragen für Gesellschaft und Kultur, Demokratie und Staat, Wirtschaft auf. Unsere «Kultur» ist gefragt, unsere gemeinsamen Orte, unser Miteinander zu gestalten und […]
Read MoreImmersive X 2021 – Community, Connection & Co-Creation in the Metaverse
… OR as I call it: How to make friends in the metaverse? With Facebook launching their version of the metaverse just a few days ago, I couldn’t have asked vm-people for a better timing for the Immersive X conference in early November 2021 and for having me curating the community track and hosting a […]
Read MoreImmersive X: Community as a Service
In times of virtualization and digitalization, communities and tribes are the new places. The less we can meet, the more obvious the importance of our relationships for the resilience of our systems and brands. We want to find out together why and how communities become a hood, brands become hosts and ringleaders, and people become […]
Read MoreHow to provide Community as a Third Place for People living with a Chronic Condition?
When being diagnosed with a condition that will be with you for the rest of your life, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed. Swamped. Even desperate. Because chronic conditions, be it Diabetes, be it Psoriasis, be it Multiple Sclerosis or Migraine, tend to be requiring attention, energy, patience, discipline and so much more on a 24/7 wired […]
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