What a Difference a Place makes…

Four Places that make a difference. Because they matter. Because they provide community. Because they are hosted. Because you can get immersed. Third places. Places that matter. A Cemetery in Vancouver “There’s so much emphasis on death and dying at cemeteries,” says Crean. “We’re trying to shift the mindset to this being the kind of […]

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How to provide Community as a Third Place for People living with a Chronic Condition?

When being diagnosed with a condition that will be with you for the rest of your life, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed. Swamped. Even desperate. Because chronic conditions, be it Diabetes, be it Psoriasis, be it Multiple Sclerosis or Migraine,  tend to be requiring attention, energy, patience, discipline and so much more on a 24/7 wired […]

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Outside of Cool | Workation Retreat

Disclaimer: Persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht von einer die auszog und die Arbeit mitnahm. Coworking. Auf dem Land. Groß in Mode. Aber nix für mich!… dachte ich immer, denn a) wohne ich mitten in Berlin und b) hat sich das Prinzip Co-working für mich bislang nicht bewährt. Auf einem Juni-Wochenende im Fläming (Brandenburg), südlich von Berlin,  übernachtete ich […]

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Places To Be – The Yummy Art Of Place Making Embracing Your Community

A Place is a Place is a Place? When realities become more and more virtual, to be artificial is no more an offense even for grocery or intelligence and shopping becomes something to be outsourced or done while on the go, places become rare and relevant again.and placemaking becomes a key competence for urban stakeholders […]

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