The R-Factor

Brands need to learn how to change. Companies need to learn how to innovate. Leaders need to learn how to disrupt? Is it really that? Is change a decision to be made?
If we allow us to start with asking more questions while considering the next „What“, it becomes pretty obvious that staying relevant and resilient and to resonate with your peers is what is in the bowl for us these days. In fact, it always was.
Resonance & Relevance = Resilience?
To stay relevant for the ones around you and to resonate ist crucial in order to be resilient – qualities not only to be looked after as a brand, a place or a company but also as a leader, a builder, a person. Whether that includes learning new methods, get in touch with new technologies, knowing about the hottest gossip in town might depend on who you are, where you wanna go and who is with you though.
In many projects, own ones as well as clients ones I learned that there is no recipe for resilience. But as far as I am concerned staying relevant includes a lot of listening, traveling, connecting with contexts, people and ideas – close and far away. To resonate you better know your market via research, empathy – curiosity, courage and creativity will help. Plus there are factors such as timing, your own one and the one of your competitors.
Better done than perfect
There is a lot of buzzwords around but as soon as you know the people you want to stay relevant for, you know the things you want to learn. The future of agenda setting is … doing. Benjamin Calleja shows how that might look like in the foodservice industry. How being in the know and having the courage to use new technologies can shift a whole industry.
CCC – Resilience in stormy weathers

CCC – As the counter part of crises and creativity the term resilience is currently experiencing a strong resonance in the economic landscape. Collective challenges like disrupting digitization, climate change and the scarcity of resources or demographic change are showing an impact on economic systems that is touching everyones life. Recipes and beliefs are not longer valid, instead questions about how crises are created and how they could be mastered.
States, politic parties, continents and companies – it doesnt really matter what cluster you choose, whose leader you are: The question is how fast are you learning to adapt? I becomes a good idea to be well connected to learn from different perspectives We are all affected by the crises to varying degrees, and our responses to them differ considerably. Some emerge strengthened from crises, others are thrown back in their development, and still others seem hardly affected. Is this circumstance justified in a different resilience? And if so, which processes condition or influence a more or less strong resilience of spatial units?
The R Factor – Relevance, resonance, resilience and reputation
As a teenager I loved to make people stumble by telling them that it is the fun factor is what matters most. Over the years I changed my choice of letter quite some times up and down the alphabet. M for money, c for costs, L for love – they all had their time. Brand related it was a lot of p for people and c for community and connection. I ended up with R. Relevance. Resonance. Resilience. And as a marketeer and an entrepreneur: Reputation.
Not only for me relevance, resonance, resilience and reputation are becoming the new success factors, replacing the classy KPI, ROI or stock market value. A news startup doesnt
„Pseudo innovations or embossing the logo will not be enough in the future.“
Prof. Dr. Klaus Gourgé, 2013
Prof Klaus Gourgé even introduced a food company as an example, that had early recognized the social trend towards healthy nutrition. „The sausage is the cigarette of the future,“ Gourgé quotes the company founder. He sees the success factors of the future at the traditional meat processor already at work: Vegan salami and Lyoner, plant based meat alternatives bringing reputation (marketing), relevance (product), resonance (market): Resilience for the company!

Spring Back or Spring Bold
Is there such thing as resilience anyway? And if so how to define it? Resilience (derived from the Latin resalire, to spring back) began being used especially by the engineering community (particularly referring to physical infrastructure), in the 1980’s, and was related to the concept of
being able to absorb and recover from a hazardous event or disaster.
The ability by an individual, group, or organization to continue its existence (or remain more or less stable) in the face of some sort of
Longstaff, 2005
surprise….Resilience is found in systems that are highly adaptable (not locked into specific strategies) and have diverse resources.
„Where next?“ might not be the question. Question might be next – not with the aim of finding an answer but to reach out.
Good reads on Resilience from different perspectives?